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Monday, January 3, 2011

OK here we go with your continuing education about the  auto sales secrets revealed!
In order for you to know and recognize the tricks and games played on you in the buying process you need to know the steps in the process.
 All sales professionals and all industries that sell have a process and there is nothing wrong with that,but, it's how they use that process to take control, keep control and manipulate you into a sale, higher payments than you wanted, products you did not want or in many cases need, so here is the sales process we are taught...know it remember it and use this knowledge to keep control of the process not let the salesperson have it!
1 Meet & Greet- Hello Mr/ Mrs./Ms. customer my name is Jay and you are?
2. Establish rapport and qualify the customer.- Did you come here for the credit union sale, the end of month sale, the "whatever" sale? Great follow me.....that's to get you into the sales floor to get the guest sheet filled out...oh that's where they get all your personal info like names, address phone numbers, and emails if they can....so they can follow up with you till you say stop or do not call list me! Why! Because if you leave the lot without buying there is an 95 -98% chance you will not return and will buy within a week somewhere else. How many of you visited a car dealer gave that info and got calls within minutes of when you left and then for days after till you bought elsewhere or said don't call...We as sales associates are encouraged to call you until you call and complain to a manager that we are calling you to much....STOP IT!
3. Select and sell a car- The point here is to get you on a car you might buy not 2 -3 cars ,again nothing wrong here its to hone in on one you will buy, however,we are taught to do so at your expense........ by that  I mean land you on a car, sell it, move on,get the next up!
Do a feature benefits presentation based on what's important to you discovered in building rapport...by the way there is a dealership in Raleigh, NC. Johnson Motors a Lexus dealership that partnered with the Martin Ad Agency in Richmond Va and came up with award winning commercials the Badger TV commercials Kapowee is but one of them on rapport building ! A play on how rapport building will sell a car (posted today  just hit the play button) I will post more in the weeks to come!....because if you like a sales associate you are more likely to buy a car from them...again nothing wrong here unless it is disingenuous and false which it usually is...I always said make a friend sell a car but I meant it !
4.Demo the vehicle-test drive...Hey you won't buy a car you have not driven it. Percentage wise if you have a 80% demo rate you will sell 25% of the customers you see...more about that later.
5.Service walk -Sell the dealership not just the car into you to service a service writer the hours ,etc etc, more profit comes form the service area in a traditional dealership than sales whooooa!
6 Close- Try to close the sale. oh I will talk about trial closes in future blogs that's where we are taught lines or questions to ask you on the demo drive or pulling into the dealership after the test drive to gauge your temperature to buy now!
7. Turn over to the sales manager -To close you if we can't. Much more about closing techniques in later weeks!
8.Deliver the auto.
9.Follow up.
Well till next week when I will go into detail on each step of the sales process and go into the objections you the customer give us and how we are taught to overcome each of them in in the pursuit of controlling the process and getting your $$$$.

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