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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


OK hang on to your seat belts here we go with a 10 week series on how we are trained to stay in control of the sales process and sell you a vehicle now! Yes I mean while you are on the lot...WHY? Because the industry and 3rd party research tells us that .....95% OF THE TIME IF YOU LEAVE YOU WILL BUY A VEHICLE WITH IN 2-3 WEEKS SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Lets start with when you drive on the lot and we are trained to MEET & GREET step 1 in the sales process.
Well what if you don't get out of the vehicle you drove up in .....yes I said it..... you know in order to avoid sales associates many customers drive on the lot and cruise it until they see a vehicle they like, then get out check the price, and bolt for their car before we can get to them.-)

Did you know we are asked to stop you, get you to roll the window down, and try to get you to park and  get out and come in the showroom...why? Remember the 95% ? That's why!
Why do you thing more and more lots are arranging the cars so you cant drive through! Heck we have a dealership in my area that has all cars parked in a 5 story parking garage and to see any of them you have to talk to a sales person, fill out a guest sheet to even look at inventory..... talk about a captive audience and control!

OK lets assume you get out and a salesperson approaches to MEET AD GREET you and you say what most "ups" say..."I AM JUST LOOKING"....WHAT THEN! Well we are trained to do some of the following:

Hello Mr/ Mrs Customer my name is....and you are?

What brings you in today the credit union sale? the end of the month sale? the anything sale.-) so that you can say yes or no. If  yes we say "great lets get you registered follow me! Into the showroom to fill out an info sheet so the dealership can keep calling you or emailing you till you scream stop! Control the process that's what it's all about...if you say no the script is "great your here early but I can get you registered now follow me ...yep you know where to .-)

Or we are trained to say thanks for coming out, are you here to see anyone in particular or can I assist you today? If you say no then we are clear to assist you without stepping in on another sales associates customer and we say....great follow me and you say" I JUST WANT TO LOOK"  we are trained to say " if I can help you find a vehicle that fits your needs and budget, save you time, point you in the right direction would that be fair"....Who would say no to that? So now I can say "follow me"...yep into the show room to get some info....

Now don't get me wrong getting that info is helpful to saving time and finding exactly what you want in a shorter period of time but it is control get you into the door into you to a sales manger early on and get info not let you do what you wanted to do just look!

Well that's this weeks post next week we will talk about the 2nd step building common ground and rapport because hey you are more likely to buy a car form a sales associate who you like and we know it!

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