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Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Introduction and invitation to follow this exciting & informative blog!

Who am I and why and I writing this?
I was a 20 year Human Resources/Training professional who at 56 years old was downsized due to an acquisition and merger and was unable to secure a Job in my field in this down economy and in order to stay afloat and save what I worked my entire life for, went to work selling automobiles.
I wanted to do it my way with honesty, integrity, and transparency and still make a living but that's not really what I was being told to do...oh yes all the corporate manuals and sales training I had spoke to that and advised us as per industry standards and laws to do that, but what really happened on the sales floor was quite different.
So after 3 years of frustration and anger at myself I started this blog to help you not get taken on your next car purchase. for taking advantage of car buyers who were no match for the calculated diabolical methods developed over decades by the car dealers. These methods are very effective and the car dealers spend millions of dollars a year in advertising to get you into the dealership so they can use these technics  to close the sale.

For the  1000's of you that will be buying an automobile in the future I hope you will learn from by blog's how to be smart buyers and in control of the deal and not leave $1000's on the table.

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